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Honky Tonk 300 April 15 2023
Posted by WillWhitt 
Honky Tonk 300 April 15 2023
April 19, 2023 04:45PM
A void was at the pull track yesterday. Johnny Shifflett passed just a few days back and yet his presence was sorely missed. I trust he was looking down enjoying all the fans having fun. He told me, "I don't cut these pullers any slack, you can't!" He also told me, "If I could have a pass to rob banks or Temple Brizendine's luck, I would take his luck every time." With the Honky Tonk 300 we needed luck. Temple told me, "It looked crappy all week and now look at it, it looks great!" There were a few clouds that rolled in right at pull time and provided a few sprinkles and left a nice little rainbow. I am sure Johnny enjoyed that too.

First up, sneak attack, we got 2 tractors in the 7000 tractor class. Welcome back Mr. Collier. Michael Collier took his International and laid down a great pass to take the class over John Seward.

I'm speechless, I filmed a Ford in Williamston, and yesterday a Ford, and a Dodge in the 6200 Small Block class. I can die a happy man. I don't mind Chevy one bit, just it's all Chevy. First off calamity. Two trucks had some bad fuel or just ran too tall a gear. The new puller T&J towing suffered a tough run definitely losing parts. The former owner told me, "I don't miss it today! [he continued] They lost some parts for sure. They tried to take off in 4th gear." So what went straight? Brothers Delton and Shelton Stallings had excellent runs going straight and looking strong. In the end, it was Keith Brickhouse and Adam Stalling's Danger Zone getting the win and backing up the 2022 championship.

Michael Alley spent the better part of 2022 building up his 5200 V8 Modified tractor. He ran a few times toward the end of the season and at Big Daddys in Williamston. It had an impressive run. You want an impressive run, I caught up with Kevin English before the pull and apologized for putting in the highlight reel for the commercial. Crewmate and friend Daniel Simmons says, "Yeah, the low lights!" Kevin took it to heart and put down an outstanding run putting down a killer pass and taking the V8 Modified class.

Michael Shifflett and Clear Cut got us started in the Sportsman 4x4 class. He laid down a good pass. Until Daniel Simmons brother came down and put down an awesome pass. Phillip Simmons took a well-groomed and rolled track and ran right over Michael's tracks. Everybody had good runs Bob Simmons, Tammy Houser, and Wyatt Sours. They are back at it this season with good runners for sure.

Pro Stock 4x4. A good class of 7 competitors in this class. Bill Good had an excellent run on the first official hook in the class at 323. That stood up until the middle back part of the class came Kathy Jewell and laid down a pass of 325. Her truck Tenacious picked it up and put it down to take the class.

Hot Rod Steve Haston, the sled operator, was on a roll. He said, I had this show done and they told me we have to slow it down. That's right, we had to make some time so the band could get rolled on the track.

The National 4x4 class was light, to be honest. But you have 5 or 6 of the toughest trucks in the country. I would put them up against any truck and know they will get all they can handle. John Davis and Young Gun started the class out and he led from start to finish. A new look for Young Gun for 2023, but a similar result. This truck and driver like the Millers Tavern dirt.

The main event, the Super Modified 2WD trucks featured six heavy-hitting trucks that I know you will be seeing a lot of this summer and in some new places. We are going to rock it out this year. David Carlton suffered some serious body damage to Side Piece a new acquisition for them this past offseason. Well, while the body was getting put back together they decided to paint it in the style of the Virginia Farmer David's dad's modified tractor. So he took Breathe Easy 2 the old truck and pulled 343 and licked some fire at the end catching the blowback tube on fire. Darryn Willson had a good run. Allen Brown had a good run. David pulled Side Piece and it had some issues as well. Crew mate came over and apologized and said, "we wished could have put on a better show for everyone." I said, "Are you kidding the fans loved it!" The fans remember. Your good runs your tough runs they are there with your hurts and your successes. Crystal Willson said get that sentimental stuff out of here, I got a pull to win. She pulled last and I saw the front end come up and she was gone going 345 to win the whole class.

The sled setting was perfect all night. Temple's daddy came over and told me, "275 [feet], and the box tops out and they carry it for 50 feet, I like that!" I think we all do.

Oh, wait, there is more, the Honky Tonky Heroes came out and I don't know where all these people came from, but there was a mess of them. Must have been 3000+ people out there boot-scooting and rug-cutting on the Millers Tavern track. The music is really good and if you haven't seen them you only have this year to do so I'm told. Find them here: HonkyTonk Heroes

Thanks to all the fans coming out and congratulations to the winners.

Will Whitt

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2023 08:57PM by WillWhitt.
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